Privacy Policy

Hecktic Media Inc. (“we,” “us,” “HMI,” or “our”) respects your privacy rights and is committed to being transparent with our use of your information. If you are a resident or access our Services from within the European Economic Area (“EEA”), we apply the privacy protection to your information required by the General Data Protection Regulation.

This Privacy Policy applies to our use of your information throughout the Services, unless a part of the Services is governed by its own privacy policy. Our Services are currently:

  • Our newsletter at or via email from (“Newsletter”)
  • Our website at (“Website”)
  • Our shop at (“Shop”)
  • Our Giveaways (“Giveaways”)

We may add to or cancel some of our Services occasionally. We encourage you to check in for any updates to this Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy concerns the information that (i) you may provide us with (for example, when you sign up with our Service) and that we may (ii) collect from you automatically when you use our Service, (iii) receive from other, third party sources, or (iv) collect from you because you made this information publicly available (for example public archives).  

We protect and grant you your rights regarding information that can identify you as an individual (for example, your name, age, gender, online user name, or your political opinion or religious belief) as well as information that can only personally identify you together with other information that we collect from you (for example your IP address, your activity with our Services, hardware device ID, or your browser type) (“Personal Information”). 

Some of your information may be collected, stored, used, disclosed, or shared, anonymized by isolating the information from any personal identifiers and thereby cannot be used by us or third parties that we share such information with to identify you. 

We may store some of your information via local storage (for example, cookies) temporarily or permanently on your internet-enabled device, which allows us to retrieve information on your device about your use of the Services (e.g. which language you prefer or your login name).

What We Collect and How We Use It

General Use Policy. We may use your information to provide, administer, maintain, and improve our Services; personalize your experience of the Services; analyze user activity of our Services; provide you with support regarding our Services; engage in advertising activity; to enforce our rights and the rights of other users of the Services, and to comply with our legal obligations; or to prevent imminent and serious bodily harm to a person. 

Information You Provide Us With

Our Newsletter. We collect the following Personal Information when you subscribe to our Newsletter to contact you at your email address and update you about our Services: 

  • Email Address
  • Full Name

Our Shop. We collect the following Personal Information when you make purchases through our Shop, in order to fulfill the promises we made when you made a purchase (for example, to facilitate payment via Stripe, ship a game to you, improve your gameplay experience, contact you and provide you with support or a refund).

  • Shipping Information (for example, your address)
  • Email Address
  • Full Name
  • Phone Number

Our Giveaways. We may collect the following Personal Information when you enter into and participate in our Giveaways, for us to be able to conduct the Giveaway and provide a selected Winner with a Prize.

  • Social Media Account ID or Handle
  • Email Address
  • Alias or Nickname
  • First and Last Name
  • Other information that you provide for participation in our Giveaway
  • Additional information submitted by you, such as social media handles, order history, and friend referrals.

Reaching Out To Us. We collect information from you when you send us or one of our representatives an email or otherwise correspond with us directly (for example, your name, email address, or statements that you make). We store this information, including Personal Information, for purposes of reacting to your request or providing you with the necessary support regarding our Services. We will not collect information if your communication with us does not relate to our Services or future services.

Information We Collect Automatically

Automatic Collection. We make use of various third-party analytic and reporting technologies and partner with third parties to record information automatically when you use our Service. Currently, we employ the following third-party services, each of which collects data in accordance with their respective privacy policies:

  • Google Analytics and Google Ads for our Website, Shop and other Services, which collects information in accordance with its privacy policy at and our Privacy Policy.
  • Meta Pixel for our Services, which collects information in accordance with its privacy policy at and our Privacy Policy.

Using Our Service. When you use our Service, we automatically collect the following information to help manage, monitor and improve our Service, to provide you with support when you encounter problems using our Service, to monitor, improve, and target the marketing of our Services:

  • Your basic computer information (such as the operating system you are using) in anonymized form as cookies.
  • Your IP Address.
  • User activity of our Service (for example, your click patterns or time of access, the website you were accessing prior to ours, etc. ) in an anonymized form.

How We Share Your Information With Third Parties

Our Sharing Policy. We may share your Personal Information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy to our subsidiaries or successors and affiliated third parties. We will only share your Personal Information beyond that with your consent or in the following events: a sales process or ownership transition of our company, to prevent an emergency, to prevent harm to others, to respond to legal requirements, to protect or enforce our rights and policies, to protect or enforce the rights of a third party, or as required or permitted by law (including, without limitation, to comply with a subpoena or court order). We will treat your Personal Information as subject to the protections described in this policy.

We may transfer Personal Information for processing in countries in which the privacy laws may not be as comprehensive as those in the country where you reside or are a citizen. If you have accessed our Service from within the EEA, additional rules apply to the transfer of your Personal Information (see below).

Sharing of Content and Posts. When you submit content (such as a post or comment) to us or through the other of our Services that face the public, for example, through a chat feature or as a post, any visitors to and users of our Services will be able to see that content, the username associated with the content, and the date and time you originally submitted the content. We may allow other websites to embed public Forum content via our embed tools. We may also allow third parties to access public Forum content.  

Third-Party Service Providers. We contract with third parties who help us with our Services. Currently, the third parties are:

  • Meta Pixel to improve, manage, and target our marketing.
  • Google Analytics and Google Ads to operate automatic collection during your use of our Services and improve and manage our marketing efforts as well as target our advertisement.
  • RockFort Media to host our Services
  • Stripe to facilitate payment for our Services
  • Klaviyo to run our Newsletter and Email Marketing
  • Rafflepress or Woorise to run certain Giveaways

We take commercially reasonable precautions to ensure that their use of your Personal Information conforms with this Privacy Policy. 

The third-party service providers may use your information for their own purposes as set out in their privacy policies (found on their websites). In the event they use it for their own purposes, we are not responsible for their use of your information. We cannot guarantee that such third parties will not disclose your information, and you are responsible for that relationship.

Further, you may also engage with or access third-party websites or services for access to or use of our Services, e.g. Paypal for payment or Facebook to interact with us. We are not responsible for their use of your information, and this use is governed by their own privacy policy (found on their websites). We cannot guarantee that such third parties will not disclose your information, and you are responsible for that relationship.

Cookies and Local Storage. In order for our Website to work properly, our Website uses local storage (“Cookie”). By default, we use several persistent cookies (permanent or stored cookies) as well as session cookies (transient cookies erased each session). Cookies are used for purposes of authentication, security, preferences, (e.g., regarding default language and settings), connection stability (e.g., for uploading media, using e-Commerce features, etc.), monitoring the performance of our services and marketing campaigns, and generally providing and improving our Services. You can review the list of cookies at:  

How We Protect Your Personal Information

We take reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of your information. We have implemented physical, electronic and managerial procedures in order to help safeguard and prevent unauthorized access, use, alteration, modification and/or disclosure of your information by which you can be identified. 

We cannot ensure or warrant perfect security. Accordingly, we assume no liability for any disclosure of data due to errors in transmission, unauthorized third-party access or other acts of third parties, or acts or omissions beyond our reasonable control.

Our Policy on Information from Children

Under Thirteen. Although our game can be played by users as young as 10, we ask that orders are only placed by users 13 and older. We do not intend to collect personal information for users under 13, and will delete any information on such users that we become aware of.

Parental Controls. If you believe that your child’s Personal Information was mistakenly collected through our services, please contact us immediately at, and we will work with you to determine if this is the case and remove such information if necessary.

Your Options On How We Treat Your Personal Information

Personal Information. You may review, update, change, or delete your information that can be used to personally identify you, by requesting that we cancel your access to our Services at

Cookies And Local Storage. You may delete local storage or cease our placement and use of local storage by setting your browser or internet-abled device to disable local storage. Please be aware that local storage is important for your access to our Services, and if you disable local storage, your access to our Services may be restricted.

Opting-Out. You may opt out of having your Personal Information used for certain purposes. If you no longer wish to receive our newsletters and promotional communications, you may opt out of receiving them by following the instructions included in each newsletter or communication or by emailing us at

Retention. We retain information about you as long as it is necessary for us to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. In addition, we may retain your information for an additional period as is permitted or required (for example, to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce agreements). If required by applicable law, we shall delete your information when the information is no longer necessary or when we are requested to do so.

California Privacy Rights. California Civil Code section 1798.83 permits customers who are California residents to request certain information regarding disclosure within the immediately preceding calendar year of that resident’s Personal Information to third parties and, in some cases, affiliates for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, contact us through the information provided below. Please note that we are only required to respond to one request per customer each year, and we are not required to respond to requests made by means other than through the email address. For your protection, you will be required to provide proof of your identity, the format for which will be determined in our sole discretion, to obtain a copy of your Personal Information.

Rules When You Access the Service from Within the EEA

If you access our Service from within an EEA Member State, the following privacy rules apply to you. 

The Purposes For Which We Collect Information From You. We only process your Personal Information if we have a lawful purpose pursuant to Article 6(1) GDPR. The following lawful purposes apply to such information that we collect from you: 

  • Necessary Collection To Perform Services (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR). We need the Personal Information that we collect for your access and use of the Services in order to fulfill our obligations and perform the services.
  • Consent-Based Collection (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR). We collect your Personal Information for the Newsletter because you gave us your explicit consent to use this information. You may withdraw this consent, and we will cease to use your Personal Information for this purpose, by your request to 
  • Other Purposes. We may process your information when we are legally obliged to under GDPR Article 6(1)(c) (for example for tax purposes), it is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of you or someone else under GDPR Article 6(1)(d), it is necessary in public interest under GDPR(6)(e), or for security reasons, to better understand your and others interest and preferences for our Services and improve our Services, for internal purposes (for example for auditing), and to secure and enforce our rights under GDPR Article 6(1)(f).

Your Data Rights. You have the right to correct, update and change (if the information we process is incorrect), or delete Personal Information or demand from us to release such information, as well as restrict how we use or entirely end the use of such information, by sending an email to Your rights, however, may be limited, for example, we will keep Personal Information if, at the time or foreseeable future, it is necessary for us to establish, exercise, or defend against a legal claim.

Withdrawing Consent. If we have received your information from you because of your explicit consent, you can withdraw this consent at any time by sending an email to Note that this withdrawal of consent would affect our ability to deliver Services or fulfill in-process orders.

Transferring and Sharing Data. Data is stored on a server in the USA, and we will make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that all suppliers housing Personal Information on their servers adhere to the GDPR or equivalent standards where PII of EEA members is processed. Currently, we share your Personal Information with the following parties outside of the EEA:

  • We share your email address with Klaviyo (“Klaviyo”) for the purposes of distributing emails to you through our Services. Klaviyo is a USA corporation and applies the safeguards required under the GDPR. You can view Klaviyo’s terms of service and privacy protection standards at
  • We share the Personal Information that we collect automatically through your use of Service with Google LLC for purposes of helping to optimize our Service, to provide you with support when you encounter problems using our Service, or to establish the marketing performance of our Websites. You can view Google LLC privacy protection standards for Google Analytics at
  • We share your Personal Information with Meta Platforms, Inc. (“Meta”) for the purposes of improving, managing, and targeting our advertisement. You can view Meta’s privacy protection standards for Meta Pixel at

Liability For Data Breach By Third Parties. If we share your Personal Information with a third party that processes the information on our behalf, we are only liable for that third party’s processing of your information in violation of the GDPR and this Privacy Policy, where our negligent act or omission is responsible for the event giving rise to the damage.

Complaint. If you believe that your rights described in this Privacy Policy are violated or you believe that we have not held ourselves to the standards described in this Privacy Policy or under the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the respective supervisory authority in the country of your residence.   


We care about the privacy of our end users and support legislation such as the CCPA. Therefore, as a courtesy, we would like to provide the following information to you, as suggested by the CCPA:

  • Categories of Personal Information. This Privacy Policy lists under “What We Collect and How We Use It” the Personal Information categories which we may process.
  • No Sale of Personal Information. HMI does not sell your Personal Information.
  • Sharing Personal Information for a Business Purpose. While HMI does not sell your Personal Information, HMI may share it as described under “How We Share Your Information With Third Parties”.
  • Your Rights. You may exercise any of the rights listed under “Your Options On How We Treat Your Personal Information” and “Rules When You Access the Service from Within the EEA” of this policy, and HMI will not discriminate against you for exercising any of these rights.
  • Additional California Disclosure. We take privacy and security very seriously and strive to put our users first in all aspects of our services. With regard to Do Not Track (“DNT”) signals, HMI currently does not respond to DNT signals in browsers because no DNT standard has been adopted. HMI is committed to remaining apprised of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) efforts to develop a DNT standard. 

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. If so, we will notify you of any material changes either by email and/or by posting a notice within our Services. If you receive notification of a change in our Privacy Policy, you must review the new Privacy Policy carefully to make sure you understand our practices and procedures. We raise your attention that you may not be able to receive notices from us, including such changes to the Privacy Policy, if your cookies are disabled.


For further information on our Privacy Policy, or for questions or requests on information that we may have collected from you, please contact us at 

Hecktic Media Inc.
Suite 256, 9049 Commercial Street, New Minas
Nova Scotia, Canada, B4N 5A4